Student visa
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Student visa (subclass 500)
The purpose of the Student visa is to allow international students to undertake full-time education and training in Australia. This visa enables a student to stay in Australia for the duration of the relevant course. The student must enrol, or in some cases have a letter of offer, with an Australian education provider before lodging a visa application.
As the visa applicant, you must:
- Enrol with an Australian education provider as a full-time student, and obtain written confirmation of this enrolment (predominantly on-line courses are not eligible)
- Genuinely intend to complete the relevant period of study in Australia
- Have the required level of English language proficiency unless exempt
- Have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the period of your intended stay in Australia
- Have access to sufficient funds to cover your return airfares, tuition fees and the cost of living in Australia, as well as costs required for any dependents included in your application.
The exact amount of funds a student requires is set by Department of Home Affairs (DOHA), and is determined by your chosen education provider, your course of study and other personal circumstances. Please contact us for further details.
New English language requirements for Student visa
(subclass 500)
Student visa (sc 500) has an increased English requirement for applications lodged on or after 23 March 2024:
- The minimum test score for the for the English proficiency requirement increases from International English language Testing System (IELTS) 5.5. to 6.0 (or equivalent).
- The minimum score to undertake a packaged English Language Intenstive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) course increases from IELTS 4.5 to 5.0 (or equivalent).
- Students undertaking recognised university foundation or pathway programs that deliver reputable English language training require a score of IELTS 5.5. (or equivalent) these recognised courses will be listed on the Department’s website.
- For students studying English only through ELICOS, there will be no change.