Fees And Living Expenses in New Zealand

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Fees And Living Expenses in New Zealand for International Students Are as below

Cost of Studying and Living in New Zealand

Embarking on your educational journey in New Zealand is an exciting prospect, and planning your budget is a crucial step. This guide offers insights into tuition fees, living expenses, and selecting the most cost-effective universities for international students.

Tuition Fees in New Zealand

The cost of study in New Zealand varies depending on your chosen field and institution. Here’s a brief overview:

Humanities and arts tend to be more affordable, whereas STEM and MBA programs may have higher fees.
Note: Tuition fees and course content are subject to change without notice.

Affordable Educational Institutions

Looking for budget-friendly options? Here are five institutions known for their reasonable fees:

Living and Accommodation Costs

Accommodation types and their weekly costs include:

Navigating Visa and Insurance Costs

New Zealand student visa costs approximately NZ$ 270. International students must also secure medical insurance, ranging between NZ$ 500 – NZ$ 700 annually.

Living Expenses

A student’s annual budget is NZ$ 20,000, covering everything from food and utilities to transport and recreation.

Employment Opportunities While Studying

International students can work for limited hours per week during the academic year and full-time during breaks.

Planning Your New Zealand Education?

For personalized advice on study options, application processes, and more, connect with a Saga Education counsellor today and turn your academic dreams into reality!

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