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What Is Career Counseling for Students and its Importance?

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Counseling is the act of providing guidance or advice to a person on problems or issues they face, be it social, psychological, personal or professional. Career counseling for students specializes in providing guidance in the field of work trends to make the best possible decision about their education and career.

By having a professional help, the person make the decision that might seem the best for them. They can focus on mandatory requirements to achieve their future career goals and will assist to keep them focused. The best time to go for career counseling is usually between the ages of 13-17 years as that is the time when they select the subjects that would best go with their desired career.

As many students would have not yet decided their career by then, Professional Career Counseling will help them understand what is best for them and the fields they should look into. Additionally, selecting the subjects to help them towards a vague idea will benefit them in the future.

Apart from school-going students, career counseling for students is also beneficial for those who are in college or want to step into another career. Gaining insights on your skills and competency will help you decide the different suitable career options that are available, no matter your age or professional experience.

Things to Check before Going for Career Counseling

Before going to a Global Career Counselor, it is important to keep yourself prepared for the session. Going to the session without any preparation will not make the session effective. Make the most of the Career Counseling Services by knowing what to expect and keeping the information ready.

Some of the preparations that you can make are as follows:

  • Set realistic expectations: Before you go for your Career Counseling Session, look up what you will get from your counseling session. Once you are in your counseling session, define what your focus for and the scope of the session that will meet your time and budget constraints.
  • Be Honest: This is your time to be honest about what you think about your skills and what your aspirations are. You need to communicate your career expectations and your desires as well as your background and profile. This will help your career counselor to understand your profile to help you with your career plan.
  • Prepare yourself mentally for the future: Instead of assuming that your career counselor will help you uncover what’s best for you, you need to do introspection. Creating an elevator pitch, listing your objectives, drafting your CV, and listing your achievements are some ways you can prepare yourself.
  • Work with your counselor: This is not a one-sided session. Instead of just letting your career counselor tell you what to do, you need to discuss and give your opinions, whether you disagree with what he/she suggests or you have an alternate solution for the issue. You need to adapt a good mindset to get the most out of your session.

Best Career Counseling Center in Amritsar?

SAGA Studies is your trusted center for career counseling in Amritsar and across Punjab. When you are in the stage where you need to decide your career or need guidance for it, having experienced and professional career guidance is necessary.

SAGA Studies has qualified global counselors in Amritsar who will provide personalized services based on your profile with academic as well as extracurricular achievements.